If your aging loved one has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and you’re concerned the physical symptoms associated with the disorder will make it difficult for him or her to live independently, place your trust in Home Care Assistance of Huntsville, AL, to provide the help he or she needs. Our highly trained Parkinson’s caregivers can provide the support your loved one needs to maintain a high quality of life while remaining in the comfort of home.
Parkinson’s is a progressive disease, and over time your loved one may face difficulty managing daily tasks such as bathing and getting dressed. However, a skilled caregiver with expertise in Parkinson’s care can help your loved one navigate the home, get in and out of bed, and perform basic tasks such as grooming, cooking, and housekeeping. Exercise is also important for seniors with Parkinson’s, and all of the caregivers at Huntsville Home Care Assistance are trained to help seniors perform various types of physical activity that can ease Parkinson’s symptoms and slow the progression of the disease.
The physical symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease can be frustrating for seniors who still maintain sharp mental faculties. At Huntsville Home Care Assistance, we believe it’s important to help seniors with Parkinson’s maintain their independence, self-esteem, and dignity despite the physical challenges they face. Our compassionate Parkinson’s caregivers accomplish this goal by encouraging the seniors in their care to maintain a certain level of control over their daily schedules and routines. Though our caregivers can provide the help your loved one needs with a variety of daily tasks, it’s also vital to give him or her the opportunity to attempt these tasks independently.
With the help of a qualified Parkinson’s caregiver, your loved one can age in place safely and comfortably for many years to come. If you’d like to learn more about our premier in-home Parkinson’s care and discuss your loved one’s care options, reach out to Home Care Assistance in Huntsville at (256) 716-9940 to schedule a free in-home consultation. Our experienced Care Managers are available around the clock to take your call.We hope to hear from you soon.